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audio_entropia_014 LEMM muzyka improwizowana | nowe dżwięki |

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 17 471 wyświetleń od 3 czerwca 2013
  • 11 czerwca 2013, wtorek
    » 19:00

LEMM Quartet to projekt Loïca Bertranda, Emilio Gordoy, Markusa Pesonena i Michelle Yom, działający na berlińskiej scenie muzyki improwizowanej. Łącząc muzyków z różnych krajów (Finlandii, Francji, USA/Korei i Meksyku) i różne doświadczenia muzyczne (muzykę klasyczną, free jazz, swobodną improwizację, noise i eksperymentalną muzykę elektroniczną), LEMM eksploruje możliwości dźwiękowe fletów, klarnetu, gitary, perkusji i wibrafonu. Nierzadko efektem tych poszukiwań są bogate faktury dźwiękowe, powstające na przecięciu melodii, harmonii i noise'u, wzbogacone zaskakującymi połączeniami tonacji. Muzycy łączą intymność muzyki kameralnej z bogactwem brzmieniowym orkiestry.

Loïc Bertrand /1976, Francja/, flet, klarnet, circiuit bent instruments. Emilio Gordoa /Meksyk/, instrumenty perkusyjne, wibrafon. Markus Pesonen /1984, Finlandia/, gitara, instrumenty perkusyjne Michelle Yom /1982, Korea/, flet, głos, elektronika

LEMM Quartet is the improvisation project of Loïc Bertrand, Emilio Gordoa, Markus Pesonen, and Michelle Yom. From Finland, France, US/Korea, Mexico, and meeting in the vibrant impro scene in Berlin, LEMM combines backgrounds from classical, free jazz, free improvisation, noise, and electronic sound experiments to explore the sonic possibilities of flutes, clarinet, guitar, percussion, and vibraphone. Often results in intersections of melody, harmony, and noise, creating rich textures of sounds framed by surprising composites of tonality, within orchestral range of sounds and the intimacy of chamber music.

“I see a poem as a multi-coloured strip behind peeling plaster, in separate, shining fragments.” -Stanisław Lem, Hospital of the Transfiguration

"An old backside of a building. Small patches of navy and red lie indiscrimninately on top of white plaster. Where time peeled white, bare gray bricks remain. Decaying colors hinting its previous lives weathered its unique harmony." -Viewer at Greifswalderstrße 5, Berlin

“I hear a melody, screeching and scratching behind the bells.” -Emilio, vibraphone/percussion

“It quivers and calls, plucks giving weight.” -Markus, guitar

“I see a veil, a diaphonous tint, nearly invisible.” -Michelle, flutes/electronics

“It screams, so doeth sweetly.” -Loïc, flute/clarinet

Loïc Bertrand Born in 1976, is a french improviser, playing flute, clarinet and circuit bent instruments. Started music at 17 by learning guitar autonomously through improvisation. After travels and studies in anthropology, he started flute and discovered free improvisation in 2005. He's based in Berlin since summer 2012.

Markus Pesonen Born 1984, is a Finnish guitarist, composer, and sound artist based in Copenhagen and Berlin. Markus started his musical journey with improvisation and composition working both with popular and classical music in Kuopio, Finland. After his studies in Helsinki, he moved to Copenhagen, Denmark where he completed his master’s degree in music performance at the city’s Rhythmic Music Conservatory in 2010.

Emilio Gordoa Mexican musician and composer. Lives and works in Berlin and Mexico City. Comes from family with strong artistic tendencies. Mainly engaged in research, development and composition of different experimental styles, with a particular focus on the execution of percussion and the vibraphone as his primary instrument.

Michelle Yom Born in Seoul 1982, started piano at three, flute at eleven, and after studying classical music, switched to improvised music in 2004. After studies in Boulder and New York, she moved to Houston, where she was active in the improvised music community since 2006. In June 2012, she quit her choral director position and moved to Berlin. Now she spends most of her time with the flute continuing exploration of new sounds and tambres using voice, circular phrasing, and finger drumming. Most recently, she began using microphones and speakers to amplify the small, inside sounds of the flute, and use it and its feedback sounds as another material for improvisation.

LEMM sounds: http://listeningsalon.weebly.com/listen-to-lemm.html

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