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Stand-up comedy

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 17 328 wyświetleń od 16 lutego 2015

Stand -up comedy Sunday, February 22nd 7 p.m.

While the new year has only just begun, some good things must come to an end. It’s time to say goodbye to one of the regulars on our stand-up stages. Michal Grzebeniak is leaving Warsaw, and we’ve decided to send him off by letting him headline the show. That’s right. 45 minutes of Michal.

And who is Michał Grzebieniak, you may be asking? For those unfamiliar with him well…

One day he asked his friends to give one word that fully describes his world. Surprisingly everyone said: "mushroom". Maybe it is the best word to describe him. Maybe it happened because he has no friends at all. Even his imaginary friends trying to avoid him. Lets face it - he is a real freak. Mental. Sociopath. But still hes kinda funny. In a way. Just remember these simple rules and You will surely enjoy his show: Be prepared for everything. There are no taboos for this individual. Avoid eye contact. Don`t feed him. Enjoy the show.

Hosted by the one and only Famous Jim Williams, the show will also feature Derrek Carriveau. Come one and all. Come to see the Freak Show before the one-man circus leaves town for good.

Tickets: 15zl/10zl for students. Tickets are available in advance at Mleczarnia or online via kupbilecik.pl

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