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CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 19 922 wyświetleń od 28 września 2015
  • 16 października 2015, piątek
    » 19:00

wstęp wolny


Pedro Ferreira / ur. 1980, Portugalia/, artysta multimedialny zajmujący się głównie filmem, video, dźwiękiem, fotografią i mediami cyfrowymi. Absolwent Uniwersytetu w Porto ( multimedia i kultura ) prezentuje swoje prace na wielu międzynarodowych festiwalach, w muzeach i centrach sztuki. Od dwóch lat prowadzi formację „Derme” zajmującą się działaniami „live-cinema”. Więcej informacji: www.pedroferreira.t15.org Artysta dąży do ukazania mikrokosmosów miejsc, ludzi, życia prywatnego. Jego prace są często kombinacją różnych, wzajemnie przenikających się mediów i zacierają granice konwencjonalnego filmu. Używa wielu technik i swobodnie przetwarza media, np. tradycyjną taśmę celuloidową poddaje wielokrotnej replikacji eksperymentując z materią wizualną, zapisem dokumentalnym, „found footage” etc. Na pokaz w Galerii Entropia składa się kilka krótkometrażowych form zrealizowanych w ostatnich latach m.in. także we Wrocławiu. Część wieczoru będzie wypełnione działaniem z muzyką na żywo w kooperacji z Maćkiem Bączykiem.

c i n e t r o p y http://www.entropia.art.pl/view_project.php?id=11


I explore the combination of film, video and digital media. In the information age, the non-tactical new media is processed and generated by software, which brings new possibilities to combine media. I transform the filmstrip relying on chance and trials, often captured live and transformed into zeroes and ones. These works focus on the microcosm of places, people, society and private life, pushing the boundaries of conventional moving image creation and sound practices in visual culture.

Impressions on filmscapes, 7 min., COL/Sound, 2014 (Super 8mm to HD) Film is not dead, it's a living thing.

Dance dance fire dance, 6 min., BW/Sound, 2012 (HD) An experience where fire turns into snow, positive into negative, a beautiful dance of destruction. Ágata C. Pinho, IndieLisboa'13 HYPERLINK "https://vimeo.com/43244753" HYPERLINK "https://vimeo.com/43244753" Home Sequences #1-4, 13 min., BW&COL/Sound, 2012 (Super8/35mm to HD) Autobiographical portrait of private life. From the beginning to the end of a relationship. HYPERLINK "https://vimeo.com/57601357" HYPERLINK "https://vimeo.com/57601357" HYPERLINK "https://vimeo.com/57601357"A Sunday in Nampula, 5 min., COL/Silent, 2014 (35mm slides to HD) During the Portuguese colonial war my uncle made served in Mozambique. After one year he was moved to the military offices in the town of Nampula. To let his family back home know that everything was fine he made a multimedia presentation with 35mm slide photography and recorded an audiotape, one year before the end of dictatorship. This work is part of the exhibition “(Portugal dos pequeninos)^2”.

Świebodzki, 12 min. COL/Sound, 2013 (HD) Świebodzki Palace, once an object of local pride, now looks like something out of the delirious visions of Sergei Loznitsa. In this impressive documentary, Pedro Fereira manages, however, to see the different faces of Świebodzki. Once a week, with the arrival of traders, the area around the palace becomes a carnival of consumption. Piotr Czerkawski, New Horizons'14

26 Summers, 3 min., COL/Silent, 2014 (Super 8mm) One roll of Kodak Ektachrome 160 expired in 1988, the year I was born. 26 years later it captured my summer in Wroclaw, Poland.

Little Portugal, 3 min., BW/Sound, 2014 (Super 8mm) In the 15th century Portugal was the main European country “discovering” the world by sea but failed to colonize Canada. The first wave of Portuguese immigrants that arrived to Canada occurred in the 50’s and, during the 60’s and 70’s, the number increased. In 2001 more than 350,000 Portuguese lived in Canada and more than 95,000 in the city of Toronto. Little Portugal is located in the downtown west of Toronto and covers a solid community with social, cultural, commercial and religious institutions. Portuguese immigrants shaped one of the most visible ethnic neighborhoods in Toronto including people from Portugal mainland, the islands Azores and Madeira, and from ex-colonies Brazil, Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. In 2014 the reason of Portuguese emigration is still the same: low standards of living and limited socio-economic opportunities.

Fragments #5, 10 min., COL/Sound, 2015 (8mm/16mm to HD) Canadian found 8mm home movies from the 60's and 70's, spliced and blown-up to 16mm using a JK Optical Printer. Hand painted, scratched and deteriorated moving images, crafted frame-by-frame. These are fragments of memories that interpret the human condition in a specific space and time, capturing the minuscule human existence. We record images to extend our memory but they will never replace our experience. The series “Fragments: space/time, identity and memory” combines film and digital manipulation to explore their formal and structural characteristics.

Bio Pedro Ferreira, born in Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal in 1988, is a media artist working mainly with film, video, sound, photography and digital media. In 2013 he received his masters degree in multimedia arts and culture from the University of Porto. In 2014 he was selected for the European Media Arts Residency Exchange programme “Move On” at the Images Festival in Toronto. He has presented his works internationally in alternative spaces, festivals, galleries and museums. For the past two years he has run a live-cinema performance group called Derme and collaborated with several international artists at places such as MWW Contemporary Museum and BWA Gallery of Contemporary Art in Wroclaw, Poland and MOCCA in Toronto, Canada. Most recently his films have screened in Toronto’s 8Fest, Montreal’s Festival du Nouveau Cinema, Festival International Du Film D’Environment in Paris, New Horizons Wroclaw and Curtas Vila Do Conde and IndieLisboa in Portugal. www.pedroferreira.t15.org

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