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TpL repertuar marzec 2024KLUB PERSPEKTYWY PAFAWAGBWA DYPLOMY ASPCantores_współczesnaCO JEST GRANE - MARZEC 2025 - nr 369
zmodyfikowano  9 lat temu  »  

World-Wide Comedy Open-Mic Night

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 18 811 wyświetleń od 24 listopada 2015
  • 7 grudnia 2015, poniedziałek
    » 20:00

It's comedy FOR the people BY the people.

Whether you're an Expat, Erasmus student, English teacher, English student, English-speaking Polish person, All performers get 5 minutes on stage PLUS a free beer for being brave enough to stand up and tell jokes to a room full of strangers.

Admission is FREE and you're guaranteed an entertaining evening filled with a wide range of comics from professionals trying out new material to first timers.

If you're interested in performing, send a message to us via Facebook or write us your name and where you're from to open-mic@famousjimwilliams.com

zmodyfikowano  9 lat temu  »  
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