Reginald Bärris: Card Carrying Comedian
- 17 stycznia 2018, środa» 20:00
Card Carrying Comedian
World-Wide Comedy is proud to present an evening with Vienna-based American comedian Reginald Bärris! The show is a unique mixture of stand-up comedy and serious music that will take you on an exciting roller coaster of emotions! From stand-up comedy that will leave you doubled over in laughter to moving music that will make you think, "Card-Carrying Comedian" is sure to leave a lasting impression!
An international comedian who has performed in several countries across Europe, Bärris is a staple of the Vienna comedy scene, and is also the first of his contemporaries to become a legally recognized stand-up comedian. But before becoming a full-time comedian, Bärris studied classical guitar and composition in university and has developed innovative techniques on the acoustic guitar and has composed several hundred songs. His repertoire spans several musical genres, including percussive guitar, rap, and a wealth of singer-songwriter material.
Card-Carrying Comedian's 2-act structure begins with an hour of straight stand-up comedy that is equal parts personal, cynical, and irreverent. In the second act, Bärris re-examines many of the topics from his comedy and uses his music to delve deeper to the truth behind the laughter. The result is an unique juxtaposition that oscillates between hilarious and heartfelt unlike anything else you've seen before!
Hosted by Jim Williams
Tickets available online via kupbilecik and eventbrite.
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