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Tłumacz w muzeumKONGRES KULTURYAVATAR Nowe szaty królaDBP PinakotekaCO JEST GRANE - październik 2024 - nr 364
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110. [MID] [PL/EN] Spring (Boot) Configuration - Łukasz Sikora

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 11 308 wyświetleń od 6 września 2018

Rejestracja na Meetupie: https://www.meetup.com/WroclawJUG/events/254218180/

Details For my entire carrier there has been some Java backend based on either Java EE or Spring. Another common thing for those projects was that some developers share a superstition that beyond frameworks interfaces lies huge sign saying “here be dragons” and any configuration available for developers is just mockery.

This presentation will show that in reality: - There is no magic in Spring apart from SpEL, everything can be either configured or is mostly described in specification. - That IDE can be a knight in silver armor that will save you from getting lost in Spring configuration labyrinth or xml swamp. - That Springs fast development causes a situation when same configuration may result in different runtime behaviours between versions and still sometimes we are restrained with configuration file type if we want full functionality. - That Java EE is often lurking in Spring application and just like in quote from Faust: “I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.” Can bring either comfort or break our application and cast it into oblivion. (It can even corrupt Spring wizards) - That you can configure your Spring application without a grain of xml.

Speaker: Łukasz Sikora

Difficulties level: MID / HARD

Language: PL / EN

Bio: Software developer with almost 7 years with Java in several enterprise projects. Focused on code quality and maintainability, always ready to learn and share.

In terms of programming I like extensive exploration which led to Jack of all trades like skills and recruiters asking “There are so many things mentioned. What do you actually know?”. Still searching for something that would be so common for all Java projects that it would be worth mastering when even JVM and Java themselves tend to be diverse.

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