Which is Which & Two Sisters
- 25 kwietnia 2019, czwartek» 19:00

Wydarzenie odbywa się na Barce Lemara!!!
Two impro shows during one night!
Special guests from Ireland - Órla Mc Govern and Niceol Blue!!!!!
- Which Is Which began with the duo of veteran performers Kasia Chmara and Órla Mc Govern, We are both experienced improvisors, teachers, actors and storytellers. We expanded our idea to involve improvisational technician and musician Niceol Blue. We improvise, teach, play and create around the world, both as individuals, and as a troupe. We use our theatre skills as well as the skills of light and sound to create our shows. We invite talented international guest performers to join our troupe, and make a magical improvised ensemble.
An ensemble of veteran improv performers and their guests.
Music evokes many emotions – that moment of exhilaration, the embarrassing night, the day your life changed. The DJ spins their web of tunes and we discover scenes and moments from the lives of a variety of characters, and watch them unfold in all their comedy and drama.
- Two Sisters is an improvisational duo (consisting of Katarzyna Chmara and Alicja Dobrowolna). We create live performances in front of the audience being inspired by their suggestions.
Our improv is based on emotions and passionate relationships. The characters we show on the stage are formed from amusing character traits and all the elements we find interesting in people. What we find essential to our improv is being here and now- in the moment! It is all about looking for the key in the scene, in having fun with it and being there for Your partner to do it all ( and even more) together.
Wydarzenie odbywa się na Barce Lemara!!!
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