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KLIMT Wrocław
zmodyfikowano  5 lat temu

IGLU - Improvisational Theatre of Ljubljana i Teatr Improwizowany wymyWammy

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 16 596 wyświetleń od 17 grudnia 2019
  • 11 stycznia 2020, sobota
    » 19:00

Zapraszamy na wspaniałe otwarcie nowego roku!

Zawitają u nas znakomici, podróżujący po całym świecie improwizatorzy z Ljubljany - Teatr IGLU ze swoim znanym z międzynarodowych festiwali spektaklem Chairs.
Tradycyjnie na scenie MCK zagra również bydgoski teatr wymyWammy. Tym razem w nowym spektaklu: Nowy Rok – Nowa Ja.
Jeden spektakl improwizowany będzie w języku angielskim, drugi po polsku.

IGLU - Improvisational Theatre of Ljubljana:
IGLU - Improvisational Theatre of Ljubljana are Peter Frankl, Vid Sodnik and Juš Milčinski. Three performers joined their forces into a performing crew with the intention for a professional approach to the improvisational arts. Although young, but experienced actors perform regularly in Ljubljana, all around Slovenia and are becoming more and more active all across Europe and North America.
IGLU are regular visitors of numerous international festivals where they've been teaching, learning and performing. They have performed in Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Croatia, France, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and different cities in Canada and USA. The cast is proud to be a part of the European improv project Ohana and ITI - International Theatresports Institute.

The performance Chairs, which has been designed by a Swiss-Slovenian creative duo Vid Sodnik (IGLU theatre) and Gerald Weber (theater anundpfirsich), looks for inspiration in the positional layout of the performing space. The rhythm and the content of scenes are dictated by the layout of stage furniture - chairs, tables, couches... anything the performers can get their hands on! Let’s imagine that stage props are not merely there as a requisite to help the content, but are its main creators. Let’s imagine that everyday objects are not only tools of our lives, but their main determiners!

zmodyfikowano  5 lat temu
przewiń ekran do początku stronyprzewiń ekran do początku strony

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