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zmodyfikowano  12 lat temu  »  

English Stand-Up Comedy Tour: The Wicc Use Your Laughter

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CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 22 291 wyświetleń od 29 kwietnia 2013
  • 5 maja 2013, niedziela
    » 18:00

The Warsaw Intercontinental Comedy Crew the Original English stand-up comedy group in Poland. There are made up of some of the funniest English speaking comedians in Poland, coming from Ireland, UK, Canada, Australia and Poland, the WICC have been entertaining audiences in Poland, Europe and the USA for almost 4 years. Now, they will hit the road again for the “USE YOUR LAUGHTER” Tour, Featuring Dave Redmond, Not so Super Mario, “Funky” Kris Szumowski, Dublin Dave and Sexy Pete. The “Use Your Laughter” tour has been in the making of over 18mths and now with the best material and excellent comedians it promises to be an exceptional evening of stand-up. The W.I.C.C. have been entertaining the native and non-native English speakers of Warsaw for years and now we hope to promote English stand up in other polish cites, and share the joy and laughter that comes with it, and for only 10zl for a great evening’s entertainment, who wouldn’t be laughing!! We will be in Lodz on the 5th May 2013 Scenografia club, Ul.Zachodnia 81/83 @ 18.00hrs.

Use Your Laughter Date: 5th May 2013 Venue: Scenografia club, Ul.Zachodnia 81/83 Time: 18.00hrs Host: Kamil Oziminski – “Stand-Up Lodz” Admission: only 10zl!!!

zmodyfikowano  12 lat temu  »  
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