The Lonely Christmas Stand-Up Comedy Show
- 28 grudnia 2017, czwartek» 20:00

Lonely Christmas
Stand-Up comedy in English for those of you stuck in Lodz for the holidays!
The evening will start with an open-mic where anyone can get on stage for 5 minutes and tell jokes. Space will be limited, so if you're interested, send a message to World-Wide Comedy via our fanpage. BONUS: All open-mic performers get one free beer from the bar!
Following the open-mic, we will present some of the finest international comedians living and performing throughout Poland:
Christine Skobe (Canada)
Andrzej Sosnowski (Poland)
Jim Williams (USA)
Christine Skobe is standup comic/human disaster based in Warsaw, Poland. From the mean streets of (a small town near) Toronto, Canada, Christine’s life is Poland can be summed up in three words: crying, confusion and kielbasa. A staple of the English Standup Scene in Poland for almost a year now, when Christine isn’t spending her free time getting in fights online with people who think the fourth season of Battlestar Galactica was too “out there”, she can be found travelling, taking photos and doing other basic white girl things. She has performed in Brno, Berlin and at the Krakow Fringe Festival with her standup show “Our So-Called Lives”.
Having spent 12 years of his life in England, Andre Sosnowski has had quite a lot of time and opportunities to commit a rather impressive amount of mistakes. After returning to his homeland of Poland he continues his steady decline into madness and despair. Luckily he's funny enough to make you laugh rather than feel sorry for him. He also has a moustache under his impressive nose and thinks he can play trumpet.
Jim Williams has been a performer for nearly 20 years, touring the US and Europe as a mime, actor, clown, and physical comedian. Jim has lived in Poland for 9 years. In that time he's learned to speak Polish, won top awards at Poland's largest comedy festivals (both with his physical comedy show Liquidmime, as well as with his Polish stand-up “UWAGA! I’m Gonna’ MÓWIC Popolsku!”), toured the country, made numerous appearances on Polish radio and television, including the semi-finals of Mam Talent, AND made 3 people with his Polish wife.
Tickets available online via: kupbilecik and eventbrite.

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