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Wieczór autorski The Krakow Messenger w księgarni Massolit Books

Kraków »
CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 9 602 wyświetleń od 15 sierpnia 2010
  • 27 sierpnia 2010, piątek
    » 18:00

We are inviting to join us for a reading with Andrew A. Kozelka, author of "The Krakow Messenger", an historical novel set in 19th century Poland!

"It is 1862. Young Count Adam Grabowski, a Pole brought up abroad after the 1830 Insurrection forced his parents into exile, visits Poland for the first time, summoned by a mysterious letter signed 'Scipio'. He soon finds himself pulled into the shadowy underworld of the secret 'N...ational Government' as the nation once again heads into a futile war with its Russian occupiers. Entrusted with a secret mission of great importance to the Cause, the count is diverted into an adventure that has terrible consequences for himself, the movement's young leader, and all of Poland."

One of five finalists for the Kirkus Review Literary Award, short-listed for the Pirate's Alley Faulkner Prize, and based on a true story, The Krakow Messenger is a taut, finely detailed atmospheric thriller in the mode of Graham Greene and Joseph Conrad. It is also a searing portrait of an anti-hero who, in his fanatical drive to help his nation achieve independence at any cost, foreshadows the darkest aspects of the ideologies to come...

About the author:

Andrew A. Kozelka worked a series of odd jobs across the United States and then became an English teacher in Japan. He now lives and works in the Czech Republic. He has published fiction and poetry in both Europe and the U.S. He has a BA in European History from Northwestern University and an MA in Creative Writing from Hollins University. The Krakow Messenger is his first novel.


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