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Los Gasolineros w Starym Porcie

Kraków »
CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 13 008 wyświetleń od 28 kwietnia 2011
  • 21 maja 2011, sobota
    » 20:00

Los Gasolineros is a Krakow, Poland based Americana roots rock band comprised of members from the U.S. And Britain, and Poland. One satircal blog has compared them to a guy lurking behind a bush waiting for you in a trench coat. While this description captures the band's affinity for dealing with subjects on the fringes, their music also deals with personal and social subject matters.

The current lineup came together late summer 2010 and includes Greg Nieuwsma, Mark Hall, Paweł Kowalski and Josh Stapleton.


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