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Spektakl teatru tańca. "Neverland" Kamea Dance Company - IZRAEL

Kraków »
CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 20 536 wyświetleń od 13 września 2017
  • 8 października 2017, niedziela
    » 19:00

"Neverland" Kamea Dance Company - IZRAEL

Gdzie: Teatr Ludowy w Krakowie

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NEVERLAND a fantasy inspired by real events that takes place somewhere... in a place beyond the edge, on the day after.... And maybe that time and place is now?...

Kamea's ensemble of 12 dancers challenges the stage with impressive physicality in this new piece from Tamir Ginz, the artistic director of the company. The work is situated in the unknown, when destruction and forcefulness overcome reason, the old world order no longer exists, and things revert to the beginning. Between wars of survival and power struggles, in a human jungle of dangers and temptations, people try to find anew the humanity inherent in man's spirit and the strength to rebuild.

"Neverland is first of all a highly aesthetic work. The body lines remain strictly polished even when the movements are intense, powerful and wild. This aesthetic creates another effect, interesting in itself, which is the merging of the beauty of the movement/body with the ugliness of the evil innate in humans. In this way, and also as a result of the excellent performance of the dancers who totally surrender themselves to the work, "Neverland" succeeds in drawing the viewer inward and flooding him with questions concerning our situation at this point in time."

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"The movement lexicon is rich, with an haut couture choreography. The dancers are excellent."

Ruth Eshel, HaAretz

"The complex choreography (...) expresses the underlying idea beautifully, and is based on an elaborate movement and a lively and energetic performance. The sense of events that were, that are and that will be is built on a suspenseful structure that remains intact throughout the moments expressing chaos, struggle, the search for rays of light and gentle flickers of hope."

Zvi Goren,HaBama

Po spektaklu: Spotkanie z artystami.

##8 października 2017:

  • Choreografia: Tamir Ginz
  • Muzyka: Avi Belleli
  • Kostiumy: Limor Hershko-Dror
  • Set and stage: Adam Keller
  • Światło Shay Yehudai
  • 12 tancerzy
  • Czas trwania: 60 minutes


  • miejsce: Teatr Ludowy w Krakowie

  • 30 zł normalny, 20 zł ulgowy zakup:
  • w kasie CSM lub ON-LINE
  • Informacje i rezerwacja: CSM (żółty punkt)
  • czynny: od pon. do pt. w godz. 10:00 - 20:00, od soboty do niedzieli w godz. 15:00 - 20:00
  • ul. Traugutta 1, Tarnów, tel: +48 14 633 46 04

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