Malarstwo Aldony Zając w warszawskiej Galerii Schody - 21.12.2011-04.01.2012
- od: 21 grudnia 2011, środado: 4 stycznia 2012, środa
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Kobiety we wnętrzu
Aldona Zając - wystawa malarstwa, pt. Kobiety we wnętrzu
W galerii "Schody" na Nowym Świecie w Warszawie możemy spodziewać się wystawy wyjątkowej. Zbior zaprezentowanych prac to efekt spostrzeżeń, wynikających z wielu przemyśleń artystyki z ostatnich lat. Aldona Zając, autorka wystawy jest absolwentką Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Sztuk Plastycznych w Łodzi na Wydziale Grafiki Warsztatowej u Prof. Jerzego Grabarczyka. Obecnie tworzy w Łowiczu. Jej obecne prace to studium postaci kobiety. "Kobiety we wnętrzu" to wulkan emocji, wyrażający się w kolorze, żywotnej formie, ekspresji kontrastow i bardzo bogatej fakturze nakładania farb. Obrazy emanują energią i emocjami. Prace nasycone są skrajnością nastrojow - zazdrość i miłość, szczerość, odwaga łączy się z zadumą i intymnością - wywołując niezwykłe emocje u odbiorcy. Są to prace pełne ekspresji, zakorzenione w tańcu i muzyce, czasem pojawiają się w nich śmiałe akcenty barwne oraz silne, zdecydowane kontury kształtu, ale nie niszczy to harmonii, lecz podkreśla to, co istotne i pobudza wyobraźnię. Kroluje tu tajemnica, wdzięk i czysta kobiecość, ktora nie pozwala na bezkrytyczne przejście obok. Tak malowanych obrazow, tak kładzionej farby i takiej emocji nie można przeoczyć.
In "Schody" gallery,in Nowy Swiat in Warsaw we are expecting an exceptional exhibition. The collection of presented paintings is the effect of observations resulting from reflections of the artist in recent years. Aldona Zajac, the author of the exhibition is a graduate of Strzemiński Academy of Art in Lodz, Faculty of Graphic and Paintings under supervision of Prof. Jerzy Grabarczyk. Currently Aldona works in Łowicz. Her current works are a study of a woman. "Women in the interior," a volcano of emotion, expressed in color, vibrant form of expression contrasts with a rich texture of paint application. Images radiate with energy and emotions. The works are full with extreme moods - jealousy and love, frankness, courage, combined with meditation and intimacy - causing unusual emotions in the recipient. They are expressive works, embedded in dance and music, sometimes they are loaded in bold colors and strong determined outlines. It does not destroy the harmony, but it emphasizes what is relevant and stimulates the imagination. Here it mostly reigns mystery, grace and pure femininity, which does not allow you to pass by without emotions.
Wstęp bezpłatny
*Galeria Schody *
*ul. Nowy Świat 39 *
*00-029 Warszawa *
*tel./faks 22 828 89 43 **
Danuta *Kroliszewska - Butterfly Ladies*
The author of the beautiful, decorative paintings on various subjects - mainly related to femininity. She paints a fairytale characters, interwoven with flowers, airy and delicate, and therefore she best expresses her emotions by means of dry pastels.
Her appreciated both at home and abroad works, not only works adorn private collections but also literature, magazines.
Danuta Kroliszewska contributes to the development of cultural activities of their city and region. In 2008 she received from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage badge of honor "Merit for Polish Culture"
She is happy to take part in charitable activities. In her author's gallery runs art workshops for children and adolescents.
About the author experience causes that in images there is nothing unnecessary beyond background, which serves a specific function. One feels images not only with an eye, but also with the soul. The images are beautiful. Man looking at them, is in another world.
There is so much expression of emotion, in Danuta Kroliszewska's pictures, although there is no lack of nostalgia too.
The painter develops and operates braver technique, in larger formats. She is interested in the motion in the picture and the color interaction. Recent work are a little uneasy, even more daring subject matter. Still, the topic is at the forefront of romanticism, mystery. All images has the attributes of a fairytale that has always attracted Danuta Kroliszewską. Whe you look at her paintings you see that she loves people and loves to watch them. Butterfly Ladies seem to be suspended in time, waiting for the main event, slightly reminiscent of Art Nouveau decadence.
Danuta Kroliszewska cherishes his own memories of childhood fairy tales, mermaids, nymphs. She wants these pictures to separate the reality from memory. Painting is her inner need. Sutured to the studio, forget about the world. She does not create for the money, but enjoys that people like her art - they want to have it at home. It is extremely important for an artist.
Danuta Kroliszewska believes that contemporary art should be primarily positive, the artist should make customers happy. Do not shock but give the solace. The world around us is full of unwanted information, lets pause for a moment and think about a light, volatile, full of charm and mystery art the artist.
Danuta Kroliszewska for his teacher and inspirer believes Alphonse Mucha - Czech pastelist, and Botticelli - a master of delicacy, airiness and poetry in painting.
Free entre
*Galeria Schody *
*ul. Nowy Świat 39 *
*00-029 Warszawa *
*tel./faks 22 828 89 43 **
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