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Famous Jim Williams Presents: I'M NOT FROM HERE

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 15 384 wyświetleń od 15 maja 2013
  • 22 maja 2013, środa
    » 20:00

American Stand-Up comedy invades Warsaw once again on Wednesday, May 22nd when Famous Jim Williams presents: I’M NOT FROM HERE, live in Sen Pszcaoła.

As a performance artist, Jim Williams spent the last decade touring across the U.S. and Europe. Since 2010, his physical comedy act Liquidmime has dominated Polish comedy festivals, winning top awards and appearing several times on television . As a semi-finalist on Mam Talent he became one of the most recognizable foreigners in the country. Now, using a brilliant combination of physical and spoken-word comedy, it’s easy to see why Wroclaw Uncut called Williams a “comedy gem.”

Fresh off an award-winning performance of his Polish-language stand-up act “UWAGA! I’m Gonna’ Mówić Po Polsku” at this year’s PAKA kabaret festival, Famous Jim Williams returns to his mother tongue to share his adventure of being an American living in Poland, as well as his biting observations about American culture throughout the world.

Date: Wednesday, May 22nd Time: 8pm Place: Sen Pszczoly(ul. Ząbkowska 27/31, Warsaw) Tickets: Tickets can be purchased online via Ekobilet.pl for 13zl. 15zl at the door (10zł for students with ID), and ALWAYS $3.

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