Dylan Moran - Yeah Yeah
- 9 października 2013, środa» 19:30

Dylan Moran - Yeah Yeah
Stand-Up Polska przedstawia:
Z okazji naszych trzecich urodzin postanowiliśmy rozpocząć nową erę w polskim stand-upie - zaczynamy sprowadzać zagranicznych komików najwyższej klasy do Polski.
Szykuje się prawdziwe święto dla fanów stand-upu, bo pierwszym komikiem z jakim udało nam się skontaktować jest DYLAN MORAN. Zdobywca wielu nagród za swoje programy stand-upowe oraz serial Black Books za które otrzymał nagrodę BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) oraz Bronze Rose.
Dylan Moran "Like, totally" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgeFgGwkArw
Dylan Moran "Monster" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCP-LtLPcpI
W swoim stand-upie Moran takie tematy jak starzenie się, religia, dzieci i relacje międzyludzkie przeplatają się z absurdami życia. Dylan maluje nam przed oczami niezwykły obraz sceniczny za pomocą swej nieprzeciętnej wyobraźni, ostrych i błyskotliwch obserwacji okraszonych typowym dla Dylana urokiem.
09.10.2013 g.19.30 Palladium ul. Złota 9 Qlturalna Warszawa
BILETY: http://www.kupbilecik.pl/impreza-1680-dylan.moran.warszawa.html
Dylan Moran
Yeah Yeah
„Stand-up comedy of the first order” The Times
„As sharp as barbed wire” Edinburgh Eve News
DYLAN MORAN star of ‘Black Books’, ‘Shaun of the Dead’ and ‘Run Fat Boy Run’ is about to spread a little happiness. Ageing, religion, kids and relationships intertwine with the general absurdities of life. Searing observations and sumptuous imagery, painted across a large fraying canvas with cruel, curmudgeonly ‚Moranesque’ brush strokes and all delivered with Dylan’s renowned, shambolic charm…It’s simply Unmissable. Tickets for Dylan’s last tour sold-out overnight so it is advised to book early.
Perrier Award winner MORAN has had huge success as both a writer and performer. He received a BAFTA and a Bronze Rose of Montreux for his Channel 4 sitcom BLACK BOOKS. His film career has included the smash hit ‘Rom-Com-Zom’ SHAUN OF THE DEAD, RUN FAT BOY RUN and A FILM WITH ME IN IT. MORAN’S stand up shows have sold out across the world. Throughout the US, Europe and Australasia MONSTER 1 and 2, LIKE TOTALLY and WHAT IT IS and YEAH YEAH have cemented this unkempt wordsmith’s reputation as one of the foremost comics of his generation earning him the label of ‘TheOscar Wilde of Comedy’
Tickets available at: http://www.kupbilecik.pl/impreza-1680-dylan.moran.warszawa.html www.eventim.pl
**”You can’t fault his perfect phrase-making
The Guardian
**”It didn’t falter for a moment. This is stand-up comedy of the
first order… there’s scarcely a word wasted… seriously good fun”.
The Times
** “As he hurtles towards middle age his curmudgeonly shtick is
sharper, more focused and more resonant than ever. At 37 going
on 73, the shambling Irishman could be entering his golden age”
Evening Standard
* “Not to be missed”
The London Paper
** “Moran hasn’t got any happier and long may it last” Metro
* “Jokes as sharp as barbed wire and a comedy brain quicker than a steel trap… Rarely have the rafters of the Playhouse shook so dangerously to the sound of laughter.” The Scotsman
“A Master class In Stand-up… We should be grateful to be allowed to watch him at work” Telegraph

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