Daniel Ryan Spaulding: EUROTRASH
- 22 września 2016, czwartek
He´s Half Croatian, but lives in Holland. He used to live in Norway, but usually dates Swedish men. His favourite city is Berlin, but could easily live in Slovenia. He speaks French, but can only get booked on Bosnian talk shows...It seems Daniel-Ryan Spaulding is EUROTRASH!
Daniel-Ryan Spaulding is an internationally touring Canadian stand-up comedian who has performed in over 40 countries worldwide.
Now based in Amsterdam, his show is a wild ride through the world of politics, sexuality, culture, identity, and the life of a young gay comedian in Europe. Brutal. Honest. Sexy. Hilarious!
He hit viral fame with his youtube video "if gay guys said the shit straight people say" with nearly 2 million hits - and featured globally everywhere from Huffington Post, College Humor, Boing Boing, Cosmopolitan, and UpWorthy.
"Brilliant, hilarious subversion" - Huffington Post "Intelligent, and above all very funny. His material is tight. His delivery is strong, and his timing is perfect." ** ScotsG Magazine (UK)
Appearances also by some of you favorite local comedians.
DATE: THURSDAY, September 22nd
PLACE: Resort
TICKETS: 15PLN, available only at the door!
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