Nature walks in the Wilanów gardens
- 22 września 2019, niedziela» 11:00

Everyone who loves nature is invited to the Gardens of Wilanów to discover the beauty of the four seasons in royal gardens and landscape parks.
Come and find out what species of animals and plants you can observe in the king Jan III’s residence and how nature changes throughout the year. Each of the trips will reveal the secrets of another topic regarding the biodiversity and natural heritage of the royal residence in Wilanów.
Rules of participation: Participation in trips is possible after buying an education ticket: 10 PLN for each participant. Tickets are available at the museum ticket office or online. We start in front of the ticket office (yellow building at the main avenue). The number of tickets is limited.
Language: Walks are conducted in English. Place: park, meeting point by the ticket office Tickets: 10 PLN
Let’s go! | Sunday, September 22, 11.00–12.30 As we return from our summer travels, nature is engaging in preparations for a major autumn migration. During our September walk, we will pay particular attention to movement, not only that resulting from the migration of birds, but in a more general sense.
Information Reservation office bilety@muzeum-wilanow.pl (+48) 225 442 850 (Monday – Friday, 9.00–16.00)
Detailed information Julia Dobrzańska, PhD Eng. Education Department (+48) 22 544 28 64 jdobrzanska@muzeum-wilanow.pl
PATRONAGE: Kids in the City - Family life in Poland | MiastoDzieci.pl - inspiracje dla rodziców i dzieci | CzasDzieci.pl

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