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The HILLS MOVER singer/songwriter (Belgia) w La Boheme

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 13 331 wyświetleń od 29 stycznia 2020

The Hills Movers, singer/songwriter z Belgii

Underneath the black hoodie of singer/songwriter The Hills Mover crouches Grégoire Fray, a French musician living in Brussels (also brain of post-rock/industrial gang THOT). Over the past years he has taken to the stage alone with his folk guitar. Now, synthetic and organic sounds form his new four-song EP “Before the Wind”. Released for this 40th birthday (on the 6th of January), this EP witnesses Fray’s constant need for novelty and exploration, an echo of his several and endless lonely tours across Europe. This is where he feels at home, with his backpack and his guitar, ears wide open to peoples’ stories from which he draws his inspiration.

Links Listen http://thehillsmover.bandcamp.com Watch “Silver Sleep”: https://youtu.be/utfjXFlzDbY Watch “The Partisan (Leonard Cohen cover): https://youtu.be/ZZ60WL6fy3A http://www.facebook.com/thehillsmover http://www.instagram.com/thehillmover

Jak zawsze w LA BOHEME nie ma biletów, jest wrzuta do cylindra, dla ARTYSTY (sugerowane 20 pln). Zapraszamy z gotówką. Bądźcie Mecenasami Sztuki!!!


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