Acting: Crash Course
Studio Tańca Rytm
Warszawa » al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 66, 01-424 Warszawa » NA MAPIE
- od: 14 maja 2022, sobotado: 15 maja 2022, niedziela

Ready for an intense introduction to your theatre journey?
Acting: Crash Course is dedicated especially to people who cannot devote more than a weekend to creative exercises, but want to use their time as efficiently as possible. This crash course involves 12 hours of intensive work with the body, voice, emotions and imagination. We will work for two days using basic acting tools.
This workshop has exactly the same programme as our weekend theatre workshops Pigułka, the only difference is in language. Crash Course is created mainly for non-Polish speaking people who want to attend some acting classes but Poles are also welcome. A communicative level of English is sufficient to take part in this workshop.
🎯 We will focus on:
• fighting jitters;
• physical and vocal warm-up techniques;
• working on the natural emission of one's voice;
• body awareness exercises;
• improvisations;
• acting tasks;
• group-integrating exercises.
🧭 The workshop will be conducted by Piotr Filonowicz, a graduate of the Theater Academy, founder of the groups: Linia Nocna (The Night Line), Fabryka Destrukcja (Destruction Factory), creator of ASiK acting and vocal workshops, and co-creator of free improvisation. He has been working as a Workshop instructor for 20 years.
🚤 Get on board if you:
• only have time for a short and intense workshop
• are craving to try something new
• like theatre and want to get to know it from below
• aren't sure how to overcome your own shyness (we know how)
• want to move your and body and use your creativity
• looking for tools to express your emotions (we will give them to you)
• want to meet other creative people
• would love to get to know people from Warsaw
• are willing to try workshops in English
• are 16 years of age or older
📅 Date:
14-15th of May
📌 Place:
Studio Tańca Rytm (Rhythm Dance Studio)
al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 66
(close to Młynów M2 metro line)
💲 Price: PLN 350
(this amount should be paid to the bank account of the Academy of Art and Culture)
📋 Schedule:
14.05: 14:00 - 21:00 (break: 17:00 - 18:00)
15.05: 10:00 - 17:00 (break: 13:00 - 14:00)
🚤 ️Enrollment:
You can sign up for the workshop:
• through the FORM on the website www.warsztaty-teatralne.pl/kontakt.html#zapisz.sie
• by phone (609045945)
Please provide us with your name, surname, date of birth and a contact telephone number. Information about your potential theatrical experiences is welcome, but not necessary.
🔍 Details:

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