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CO JEST GRANE - lipiec/sierpień 2024 - nr 362KRUPA
zmodyfikowano  3 dni temu

Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour Official Resale - Sell

CO jest GRANE » 84 wyświetleń od 24 lipca 2024

Warszawa » Poniatowskiego 1 » NA MAPIE


Have you bought tickets to the Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour concert in Warsaw but you can no longer attend? In the official eBilet resale, fans can sell their eBliet tickets to other fans if they are no longer able to attend the event.


read the terms and conditions of the resale service.


*Important: *


  • The cost of listing a ticket on the resale system is 50 PLN per ticket, refundable if the ticket is not sold.

  • VIP tickets and tickets distributed by PL.2012+ sp. z o.o.

zmodyfikowano  3 dni temu
przewiń ekran do początku stronyprzewiń ekran do początku strony

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