Hugo Race Au
- 11 maja 2011, środa» 20:00
Australijski songwriter, wokalista, gitarzysta i producent powraca w wytworni Gusstaff Rec. z nowym
albumem. Powiedzieć, że Hugo Race jest bardzo płodnym artystą, to zdecydowanie za mało, na świecie
święci triumfy właśnie wydana przez Glitterhouse płyta „BKO" jego projektu Dirtmusic, założonego
razem z Chrisem Eckmanem i Chrisem Brokawem, rok temu ukazała się solowa, elektro-akustyczna,
instrumentalna płyta Hugo Race'a w Gusstaff Rec. („Between Hemispheres"), wziął rownież udział w
nagraniu nowego albumu formacji Lilium (muzycy z 16 Horsepower).
Nowy album „Fatalists" jest surowy, nastrojowy i bardzo liryczny. Nagrany we Włoszech, z gitarzystą
Antonio Gramentierim (Sea of Cortez, Delavega), perkusistą Diego Sapignoli (Delavega), pochodzącą z
Arizony skrzypaczką Vicky Brown i holenderskim kontrabasistą Erikiem Van Loo (Willard Grant
Conspiracy) stworzył akustyczne i melodyjne brzmienie ukazujące piosenki i głos Hugo w zupełnie
nowym świetle.
Tak sam Hugo opowiada o powstaniu tej płyty:
"We all met up in an old villa in rural Italy on a cold autumn day. I'd just finished a month on
tour with the True Spirit and in the tour's closing stages had come down with pneumonia. Because
most of the songs I had for Fatalists were about death, this seemed a fitting background, and for the
duration of the recording sessions I was laid-up with a fever in a room adjacent to the studio. I could
hear the band tracking my songs but couldn't participate. So the sessions were really produced by
Antonio and the other Fatalists, and they gave the songs a different slant. Having self-produced my
recordings for a very long time I thought that here was a chance to step back and let a whole new
album materialize, if I could just trust in the process. Cal and Andy mixed the album at the Mill studio
on a hill overlooking the Southern Ocean where the wind blows in off the grey water with a cold
metallic edge. There are few neighbours, and like the Cosabeat studio in the Romagna, a sense of
nature and desolation and human insignificance predominates. I never planned to make this record, it
just kind of happened - hence the title Fatalists - because often fate has other plans for us..."
The songs:
Call Her Name. In the depths of a German winter, in between summer spells in Australia and the
Sahara, everything appearing further and further away. She and he were real, but at the same time
just a memory. The connection still exists, stretched and tenuous from time, distance, necessity.
Too Many Zeroes. Planetary pathos is an everyday thing - to the extent that we become desensitized
to it. Binary overload, so much information and not enough psychic space to digest it. As individuals
we're a transient blip on the radar of something huge and indifferent. Make of that what you can, and
get used to it.
gusstaff records, ul. boh. westerplatte 11/525, 65-034 zielona gora,
t: +48 68 419 0194, e:, w:
Slow Fry. Despair is useless unless you can find a way to harness it's force. Sometimes a little grilling
can get you over it, like walking on hot coals without burning your soles, the torment we endure
before we choose action as its remedy.
Will You Wake Up. This song haunted me since I first heard David Creese sing it with his band,
Mysteries. When Kenichi suggested we do a duet in Berlin, I taped it in Catania with friends from the
Sicilian project Kill Your Song and gave it to her to sing. Antonio and Erik cut their tracks in Italy, Vicky
recorded her violins at home in Arizona, the kora came from Mali and by the time we'd mixed it near
Melbourne the track had been stretched right around the globe.
Coming Over. It could be about two people separated by the mass of a city, in different cities, or on
different continents. We are many, we are diffused, and time and distance don't mean what they used
Serpent Egg. The more I thought about this particular dream, the realer it seemed. This song became
a way to exorcise it. At the centre is a third party, but her name we do not know, or she is known by
many names - then you have to choose.
In The Pines. This is old Leadbelly, and before him, from way back somewhere else. It will never date
because it says so much with so little to so many. There is no resolution here, no redemption, just the
tall trees.
Nightvision. I was reading some reportage on clandestine operations in the Sahara desert, and
listening to the Fatalists from down the hall. But the fever was high and the pages of the book erased
themselves, then the paper dissolved, and there was a galaxy of stars to read instead. On careful
examination, they told me nothing.
Hugo Race jest wizjonerskim performerem, wokalistą, muzykiem, poetą i producentem. Pochodzi z
Melbourne w Australii, lecz jedo podroże uczyniły z niego „obywatela świata", od 25 lat mieszka i
tworzy w Australii, na Sycylii, w Niemczech, Wielkiej Brytanii i USA. Piosenki Hugo Race'a tkwią we
wspołczesnej pop-kulturze, jednak wyrastają z rock'n'rolla, soulu i delta- bluesa, często mocno
zabarwione awangardową elektroniką. Ze swoim zespołem The True Spirit i wieloma projektami
pobocznymi, Hugo ucieka od wszelkich jednoznacznych etykiet, ponieważ stworzył własny obszar
między rockiem, eksperymentem i psychodelią.
Nie można rownież nie wspomnieć, że Hugo był członkiem-założycielem zespołu Nicka Cave'a Bad
Seeds (pojawia się na pierwszej płycie „From Her To Eternity" i na wielu kolejnych albumach). W 1985
założył kultową australijską art-punkową formację The Wreckery.
Od kilku lat systematycznie przyjeżdza do Polski na koncerty, gdzie ma już rzeszę wiernych fanow, jego
koncert w warszawskim CDQ został wydany na DVD przez Gusstaff Rec.
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