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zmodyfikowano  3 miesiące temu

You are everything

Poznań »
CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 3 583 wyświetleń od 16 marca 2024

Poznań » Stanisława Taczaka 8 » NA MAPIE

  • 25 kwietnia 2024, czwartek
    » 18:00

You are everything that is obvious and not obvious.
In "You Are Everything... a thing about the unobvious," we invite you to discover the unobvious body, the unobvious gaze, the unobvious emotions, the unobvious you. This unique performance aims to highlight the known and the hidden, in our own existence.

Performance that inspires confidence in intrinsic value in itself.

Through this unique creation, participants will be able to experience a feeling that borders on certainty, that they are a value in themselves. In this world, looking for confirmation of this value in something external becomes completely futile. This is your moment, your "I", your "everything".

Three pillars of relationships
lack of evaluation

This performance is both a celebration and a reminder of the three pillars of relationships: honesty, non-judgment and support. It is an invitation to participate in an authentic, supportive environment where you can be yourself, fully and unreservedly.
Book your place in non-obviousness.
"You are everything... the thing about non-obviousness" is the beginning of your journey into yourself, where non-obviousness is not a barrier, but a key. This is your opportunity to discover that you are everything that is obvious, and even more so,
That you are everything that is not obvious.
Join us in a world where value and substance are found in the most unexpected places.
This performance is an experience, a reminder and a promise. Are you ready to rediscover yourself?

A play for an adult audience
Duration: 60 min 

Creators and implementers:
Concept, direction, text, light and sound direction: Kaspian Jakub Rezler
Dramaturgy: Katia Shahoika
Choreography: Katia Shahoika, Kaspian Jakub Rezler
Music: Ula Sobol
Videoarts: Katia Shahoika
Costumes: Bartosz Strojny, Katia Shahoika

Goślińska Wiktoria, Graczyńska Paulina, Gradomska Agnieszka, Gratkowska Joanna, Kawalec Krzysztof, Puszczykowska Gabriela, Rezler Kaspian Jakub, Rzepecka Marta, Shahoika Katia

Jagoda Wasilewska
Piotr B. Dabrowski

Handling and preparation of the performance:
Light realization: Dominik Dudek
Sound engineering: Michal Beszczynski
Technical management: Dariusz Szych
Stage staff: Krzysztof Ludwiczak
Production coordination: Monika Zembrzycka

Production: Foundation You Are Everything... Contemporart Artists' Cooperation
Co-production: Polish Dance Theater

Restrictions and conditions:
The performance is intended for an audience of adults 18+


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