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zmodyfikowano  6 lat temu

My French Story - francuska opowieść Erwana Debono

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 12 195 wyświetleń od 23 marca 2019

Warszawa » ul. Klimczaka 1 lok 13 » NA MAPIE

  • 8 maja 2019, środa
    » 18:00


Chef Erwan Debono - head chef at Bez Tytułu restaurant wants to invite people to his culinary world, where french and mediterranean cuisine meet together. Why French? – because this a very important part of his life. His first language is French. His grandfather was from Tunisia, his mother from Italy and his father from Malta. What an unforgettable combination and so many sources of inspiration. Erwan prepared his cooking story basing on the best ingredients and he will show how to combine them together. This French cooking class is the perfect course for anyone who loves the beautiful flavours that create the french cuisine. Under the guidance of Chef Erwan, explore this famously fresh and fragrant cuisine and learn how to cook balanced dishes using an abundance of vegetables and herbs as well as other magic ingredients. 

The workshop will be run in English.

zmodyfikowano  6 lat temu
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