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zmodyfikowano  4 lata temu

Thaiboy Digital

CO było GRANE - ARCHIWALNE TERMINY » » 15 831 wyświetleń od 26 sierpnia 2020
  • 6 grudnia 2020, niedziela
    » 20:00

Drzwi/doors - 19:00
Start - 20:00

Distorted Agency prezentuje: Thaiboy Digital w Warszawie!

Thaiboy Digital powraca w 2020 po sukcesie zeszłorocznego „Legendary Member” podwójnym singlem „Yin & Yang / New City”. Urodzony w Tajlandii artysta jest, obok Bladee, Ecco2k oraz producentów Whitearmor i Yung Shermana, filarem kultowego Drain Gang i reprezentantem wytwórni Year0001. Przez lata związany z niezależną sceną
Sztokholmu, często współpracujący z Yung Leanem, został deportowany ze Szwecji w 2015 roku i od tego czasu tworzy i rezyduje głownie w Bangkoku. Pierwsze solo Thaiboya to mixtape „Tiger” z 2014 roku. W 2016 ukazał się nagrany wspólnie z Bladee album „AvP”, w 2017 EPka „S.O.S: Suicide or Sacrifice” oraz popełniony z Bladee i Ecco2k „D&G”. Rok 2018 to m.in. nagrany z Yung Leaenem „King Cobra”. W 2019 premierę miały „Trash Island” Drain Gang oraz opus magnum Thaiboya czyli doskonale przyjęty album „Legendary Member”.

Pod koniec roku Thaiboy Digital pojawi się na kilku wybranych koncertach w Europie prezentując zupełnie nowy live show. Na mapie koncertowej nie zabraknie tym razem Warszawy.

Fresh off the flamboyancy and triumph of his debut album “Legendary Member” (released late 2019), Thaiboy Digital is ready to unveil his new offering, double single “Yin & Yang”.
Produced by Woesum and recorded during Thaiboy´s recent sold-out Australia/New Zeeland tour, the twin release plays like a duality of emotions; the eagerness of “New City” with it´s base-heavy naivety, light-hearted melodic structure and unapologetic delivery in contrariety to the serenity of “Yin & Yang”, a soothing and quietly uplifting track, unclassifiable in character but highly sincere in it´s execution.
Thaiboy Digital has come a long way since the release of his critically acclaimed yet sonically rudimentary mixtape “ส Tiger” in 2014; via releasing the eurotrance/trap hybrid EP “S.O.S” and Bladee collaborative album “AvP” in 2016 he emerged as a fully fledged artist though his late 2019 full-length “Legendary Member”, inviting each and everybody in on a feverish, blissful ride showcasing iridescent fragments of rap musics future. Steadily connected with the mythical Drain Gang, the Khon Kaen born and Stockholm raised artist has inch by inch gotten the better of Bangkok, slowly working his way up from playing dim club shows in the citys frenzied underbelly to a 30th floor penthouse overlooking the ancient temple district of Rat Burana and taking frequent trips to Stockholm and London to write and record with producers like Gud, Woesum and Whitearmor. Running high on subdued feelings of ecstasy, triumph and glowing hopes of achieving something spectacular, Thaiboy Digital´s musical output is perhaps best described as compact pieces of work, pastel coloured and glossy at a glance, gritty and melancholic upon closer inspection - fragile melodies and tones on the verge of decay paired with oversaturated basslines and vocals shifting through hypersensitive singing and liquid, cocky raps, his articulation swaying between tender pillow talk and careless semi-threats.
Also make sure to catch Thaiboy´s galvanizing live performance this fall, the tour kicks off in Brighton (UK)
on the 18th of November, followed by a number of major cities across the EU.


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