World-Wide Comedy Open-Mic Night!
- 5 stycznia 2015, poniedziałek» 20:00

World-Wide Comedy
It's the first open-mic night of 2015! Did you resolve to try something new this year? Step outside of your comfort zone? What better way to kick off the new year, than by stepping on stage?
World-Wide Open-Mic Night is the chance for Expats, Erasmus students, and English speaking Polish people to get on stage for 5 minutes and make the audience laugh. Everyone is welcome, from first timers to seasoned performers. Want to get over your fear of public speaking? Have a funny story to tell? The stage is yours, plus a free beer from the bar for being a man/woman of action!
And if you don’t want to get on stage? That’s fine too. Come have a drink and be a part of the audience. Open mics are always unpredictable, fun and full of surprises, and are known to shine a light on undiscovered talents. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be inspired to get on stage next month!
If you’re interested in getting on stage this month, send an e-mail to with your name and where you’re from.
Date: Monday, January 5th
Time: 8pm
Place: Niebo Cafe (Ruska 51 (Pasaż Niepolda), Wroclaw
Tickets: Free admission

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